Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A much needed post, after many months of silence

Today i realized i haven't written here since March. I don't know why i didn't, maybe i was too busy- maybe i just forgot how much i like writing, how much it relaxes me... For some reason, the process of getting my ideas out in the form of written language, relaxes me more than any cup of tea in the world... Even more than a massage.
Life has evolved since i last posted anything... I am no longer a child: i can drive now. Before getting this valuable piece of plastic, i didn't know that i was missing an important part of being an adult: the ability to take me to places without having to ask anybody, or wait for anybody. I didn't know it was going to be so liberating... I got it last October, in the first blizzard of this season. I'll never forget that i couldn't see beyond 100 yards, or the stop sign that blew away with the wind... Only in North Dakota. One time i read that some city had canceled a whole bunch of stuff for 2 inches of snow. The said city obviously isn't in ND.
Lara goes to Preschool now, and comes home with a never ending stream of stories about children i don't know, but that she plays with even when she's pretending to play with other people. She loves it, and has learned a lot- but I'm not much concerned about her "academical achievements", she's got plenty of time to build up her resume. What is important for me right now is that she has a great time, and she learns about Jesus, and learns to resolve conflicts and follow directions from more people. Specially that she has a great time.
My photography hobby got a step forward in August, when Peter decided it was time for me to have a real camera. I've been playing with her (yes, it's a girl camera), and have gotten really nice examples of what it could be, if i decide to take it seriously. And that is on my mind, the plan is to find a way to go to college at some point... Maybe i should start selling them...
What can i say? it has been a regular year, with lots of blessings. In September, i had a chance to go visit my family in the Dominican Republic, and Lara had a chance to see and experience the beach in all its warm glory, and she loved it. She really enjoyed spending time with my aunts, and my brother and sisters, and with her favorite, her cousin, or Pima, as she calls her.
When we came back, my mom tagged along, and we had a nice few weeks with her here. She got to see this area on my favorite season, and she even rode a combine with Bart. Next year, the Schotts want to go together to have a tropical Christmas, we'll see how that goes...
This Thanksgiving i had my initiation as a Schott wife: i made not one, but two turkeys. From scratch. And i forgot to get the paper bag with the inside organs out of the turkey. But they tasted good, and got the seal of approval from the Schott men. They basically ate most of them.
It was fun having family and friends together in what has become my home. It doesn't feel like a house i live in anymore, when i think of home, the warm fuzzy feeling points me here, to this house. And a home is better when it's full of family.
We also got a Kinect around that time, that has been VERY much used by all of us. I loved it.
Now it's time for me to go to sleep... Alone, for Peter went to Minneapolis for a couple of days... I don't like to sleep alone, so it might take me a few hours and an artful arrangement of pillows to fall asleep at last. He's been gone a few hours and i already miss him. I couldn't love him more right now, even if i tried. It's strange how love deepens and changes as the years go by. I thought i loved him more than anyone when we got married. I thought i couldn't possibly love him more than when i first saw him holding our baby girl... But yet my love for him grows and changes, and becomes greater every day...
I have liked what I've lived this year, the people I've seen, the friends I've met. I wouldn't change anything about it, even if i could. Now I'm looking forward to a nice Christmas with the family, and a great end to a great year, thanks to a Lord that loves me.
Thanks for reading my ramblings ;)